Kishan Bagh

A short distance from your hotel and surrounded by a teeming population; lies the unique rewilding project of Kishan Bagh.

Dravyavati River is the main drainage for hills surrounding Jaipur. Close to its origin from the Nahargarh hills in Shastri Nagar Area lies 350 acres of stable sand dunes that are a very successful and unique attempt to restore nature to its pristine glory, minus exotic or introduced flora. A showcase to how these hills always looked and how rich the ecosystem of this semi arid landscape can be. It is not a ‘forest’ in a conventional sense, it cannot be! It is richer and alive in every sense equal or more than a forest.

The park is imaginatively and sensitively developed by Pradep Krishen and his team. It is a great place to appreciate our wild sensibility.

The first part of the eco restoration has an interpretation centre, nursery for endemic plants and flora, a display of the Geology of Rajasthan and a very interesting representative section of the various soil types and ecosystems that are present in Rajasthan. Knowledgeable and committed guides are available. Visit the park if you want to spend a day or half in the happy awakening of a movement of rewilding in Rajasthan!

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  • Discover the geology of Rajasthan – a treasure house of rocks and home to the oldest mountain range in the world!
  • Discover the various types of ecosystems that make Rajasthan rich. It is a desert, but it is not empty by any means
  • Discover the lake
  • Revel in lotus blooms at the waterbody showcasing aquatic life including fishes
  • Look over the sand dunes from the view point
  • Go on a walk with a guide through the rolling dunes, maybe see a monitor lizard, jackal or nilgai antelope!

₹ 50/100 per person

Open from sunrise to sunset (check out the times before you go from park website)

Hire a car taxi from hotel to park at Rs. 2000 for max 5 hours

Contact Us

To know more and enjoy these unique experiences in and around Jaipur contact Arya Niwas Hotel Reception: + 91 9829040549 or email us at